What Quakers say:
- There is something sacred in all people.
- All people are equal before God.
- Religion is about the whole of life.
- In stillness we find a deeper sense of God’s presence.
- True religion leads to respect for the earth and all life upon it.
- Each person is unique, precious, a child of God.
Who are Crynwyr Cymru – Quakers in Wales (CCQW)?
Crynwyr Cymru – Quakers in Wales (CCQW) is the organisation which draws together Quakers who live or worship in Wales. It works with the four associated area meetings in Wales and Southern Marches. It normally comes together three times a year to worship and plan the work.
Crynwyr Cymru – Quakers in Wales (CCQW) has responsibilities on behalf of Britain Yearly Meeting to represent and promote Quaker life and witness in Wales. These responsibilities include appointing friends to serve on national Committees and Groups such as Cytûn; communicating with the Senedd and the National Assembly in Wales, as well as maintaining relationships with other voluntary and public groups in Wales, especially bodies with an interest in social justice, peace and interfaith work. It also represents Quakers in Wales to Britain Yearly Meeting when required.
Crynwyr Cymru – Quakers in Wales operate bilingually, in Welsh and English. Simultaneous translation is offered at our meetings. You can contact us via the email address below: