What Quakers say:
- There is something sacred in all people.
- All people are equal before God.
- Religion is about the whole of life.
- In stillness we find a deeper sense of God’s presence.
- True religion leads to respect for the earth and all life upon it.
- Each person is unique, precious, a child of God.
About Us
We come together to help each other to be open to the spirit. There is an old history for the Quakers in Wales and we welcome all those who are looking for a world where everyone can follow the spirit and live peacefully. We seek a fair society that recognises the value of each person.
History of the Quakers in Wales
What became Quakerism began in the troubled and bloody period towards the end of the civil wars of the 1640s. The country was in turmoil, given the events of the time, which included the execution of king Charles I in 1649. Debates were rife about the church and need for its reform; about the nature and conduct of government; about disparities of wealth and power; about the need for greater social justice and also about whether God was about to intervene in apocalyptic, end-of-the-world fashion.
Next Meeting
Latest News
CCQW launches Sustainability Scrapbook
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Alan Clark reports on the CCQW Meeting held the 18th of June 2024 in Aberystwyth and online
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Quakers attend Eisteddfod Cenedlaethol Dwyfor Meirionnydd (Video)
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